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歡迎來(lái)到 廣東雙興新材料集團有限公司 官方網(wǎng)站!

21年專(zhuān)注高品質(zhì)不銹鋼管定制大型不銹鋼管研發(fā)型生產(chǎn)工廠(chǎng) 高新技術(shù)企業(yè)

全國咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 4000-304-316微信18029227522


Appointment for the 135th Canton Fair, SUMWIN 12.2 F34-35 G11-12

來(lái)源: | 發(fā)布日期:2024-04-16

135屆廣交會(huì )宣傳海報(3)

本次廣交會(huì )已有200+個(gè)國家和地區的采購商預登記參加線(xiàn)下展會(huì ),萬(wàn)商云集的盛況將重現,充分彰顯了中國制造、中國產(chǎn)品和中國品牌的魅力。

雙興集團為本次展會(huì )準備許久,將2024年4月23日-27日 12.2 F34-35 G11-12 展位展示不銹鋼食品管(A270)、不銹鋼水管、不銹鋼工業(yè)焊管、不銹鋼結構管(A554)、不銹鋼卷板。屆時(shí)將為國際友人和采購商全面展示我們的產(chǎn)品,歡迎現場(chǎng)交流!

This Canton Fair has pre registered buyers from over 200 countries and regions to participate in offline exhibitions, and the gathering of thousands of merchants will reappear, fully demonstrating the charm of Made in China, Chinese products, and Chinese brands.

Sumwin Group has been preparing for this exhibition for a long time and will showcase stainless steel sanitary tubes (A270) , water tube, industrial tube,stainless steel structural tubes (A554) , coil and sheet at booth  12.2 F34-35 G11-12  from  April 23th to 27th, 2024 . At that time, we will comprehensively showcase our products for international friends and buyers, and welcome on-site exchanges.

   展位號(Booth) 12.2 F34-35 G11-12   



展位號:F34-35 G11-12

Venue number: Hall 12.2

Booth number: F34-35 G11-12

   展會(huì )信息(Exhibition Information)   

展會(huì )名稱(chēng):第135屆廣交會(huì )

展會(huì )時(shí)間:2024年4月23日-27日

展會(huì )地址:廣東省廣州市海珠區閱江中路380號

Exhibition Name: The 134rd Canton Fair

Exhibition time: April  23-27, 2024

Exhibition address: No. 380 Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province



   雙興介紹(Company Profile)   

廣東雙興新材料集團有限公司位于佛山市高明區楊和鎮,總占地409畝(27.3萬(wàn)平方米),規劃建設全流程自動(dòng)化焊管生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)200條。不銹鋼焊管年產(chǎn)能達20萬(wàn)噸。雙興集團秉持"精益求精"的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念,建設了全流程的生產(chǎn)體系、科學(xué)的品質(zhì)管理體系、成立企業(yè)研發(fā)中心并配備光譜分析、金相檢驗、渦流探傷、萬(wàn)能試驗機、在線(xiàn)焊縫整平、在線(xiàn)光亮固溶等先進(jìn)的檢測和生產(chǎn)設備,強大的生產(chǎn)和科研實(shí)力保障了產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)!雙興不銹鋼管符合中國GB、美國ASTM、日本JIS 、歐洲EN等標準,通過(guò)了TUV、ISO9000等國際質(zhì)量體系認證,先后取得了PED&AD2000證書(shū)、壓力管道特種設備許可證、涉及飲用水衛生產(chǎn)品安全許可批文和美國3A等系列行業(yè)準入證書(shū)。

Guangdong Sumwin New Material Group Co.,Ltd. (abb. Sumwin Group) founded in 2001.It is a nation high-tech enterprise, and the supported unit of Stainless steel precision welded pipe engineering research center in Guangdong province. Focusing on the research and development of stainless steel welded pipe manufacturing, Sumwin Group has become one of the brand enterprise of stainless steel pipe industry with R&D, production and sales services after more than 10 years of development. 






  雙興不銹鋼水管官網(wǎng)   廣東雙興新材料集團有限公司__版權所有__ 網(wǎng)站地圖 備案號:粵ICP備19072386號-1
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